See your skin care expert.png

When you are thinking about flawless skin you should consider some of the ways you do fitness. What am I talking about you say? Let me set the context. For fitness you must do some sort of physical activity at least 4-5 times a week for about an hour. However where you gain most of your results are is through the meal plan right? Right! And then there may be supplements,


1.  Let’s take the physical movement that can be equal to seeing your skin pro once or twice a month depending on your skin issue. It’s the time when affective treatment matters, when the esthetician can do a good cleaning or anti-aging treatment, a Microneedling treatment that’s great for pit scaring or skin rejuvenation, this is the time when we can actually see the progress that’s been made in the skin. This is the time when the right treatment is selected for that specific day and what you may need for the skin to get from one result to the next. It’s so exciting to be able to see the progress and work with my clients together to go bare faced with confidence. To achieve flawless skin!!

Doing this will physically keep your skin in shape, it will help with acne, rid the skin of pigmentation faster, help with scaring better than just trying to solve these skin issues on your own. 




2.   Now let’s talk where the real gains happen. MEAL PLAN

Or professional home care, you see you’re taking care of the skin twice a day every day! That’s why it’s so important to have amazing homecare. This will set the stage for what happens in the treatment room. For example, pigmentation is one of the hardest things to get rid of. It must be drawn out of the skin not suppressed. In order to do that you must have high active products that won’t cause inflammation, or over treated skin. The more the skin is prepared at home the better your peel or high grade pigmentation treatment will actually work to remove the pigmentation.  Let’s take acne, no way will you ever clear acne with products that come from Walgreens or any other place that sells to the masses of people. They just aren’t active enough, kind of like trying to eat properly with no knowledge of food combos and what’s good for you specifically. It’s so important for a real pro to get their hand on your skin, look at your skin and listen to what you have to say. Then take all that into consideration and then have a homecare plan just for you.


3.  How do you take care of the inside? Our diet and gut health is important. What goes in must come out as you have heard it said. Our diet is one of the main things, you should drink a lot of water, stay away from processed food as much as possible,  know what you can digest, any allergies, and if possible take supplements to support health skin, and gut health. Not all supplements are equal.

The US does not have a handle on the regulations for whole foods, and high quality ingredients that go into supplements. You really want something that can absorb into the blood steam fast. You want the capsules to not be housed in plastic, this cannot dissolve in the body, and have you ever noticed when you take certain supplements or vitamins you have bright yellow urine?? that’s poor absorption and is really not doing nothing for the body! unfortunately US supplements are like Wild West no regulations equals you don’t know what your getting.

My personal favorite is advanced nutrition by Jane Iredale, loaded with 21 active ingredients and third party tested in the UK. You’ll see the difference with in 30 days.