My biggest responsibility is sanitation, it always has been.

Our test when an esthetician becomes licensed is safety and 

Sanitation. Some of the practices I do is, using hospital grade 

Cleaning supplies, cleaning all tools between each client, changing the bedding and wiping down the bed with sanitizing wipes. I also use disposable supplies when ever possible. I myself wash several times though out the contact process.


Staying organized is also key having tools that are properly cleaned and ready to go keeps me on time and gives peace of mind. 


Each service requires different cleaning measures, Iā€™m up on the state board for each service so you can relax and enjoy

your treatment.  Some of this is surprising to me since we as estheticians have always been required to sanitize ALL the time.

I myself can say I have never had a person contract any disease or fungus for my whole 24 years of practice.




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